This is what we've been up to the last few weeks:
Medical Teams
1) Pallatanga
Pallatanga Medical Team - medical doctors, eye doctor, nurses, pharmacist, missionaries, and translators. |
Front of the building where we had the clinic. |
Steve translating for the doctor. |
Hannah translating in the pharmacy. |
Hallway between the pharmacy and the doctor's rooms. |
Minor procedure to remove this young girl's skin tag below her ear. |
It was a great week. All together we served more than 500 people! It was such a good opportunity to take care of their physical needs but more importantly share with many of them the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Serving with the medical team made me think of 1 Corinthians 12, where the Apostle Paul talks about the body of Christ being one body, but many members. Each part has a function, and each part is important. Each person of the medical team had a function, and each function was important. We needed some to set the appointment schedule; we needed some to get the initial information from the patient and take blood pressure and other readings; we needed some to listen to the patients and diagnose; we needed some to translate; we needed some to make sure everything along the way runs smoothly. Each person of the team could only perform their function if another person performed their function. We had to work together. We needed each other.
2) Yacuambi
A group of nursing students and doctors from the University of Indianapolis came to do a medical clinic in Yacuambi and Yantzaza. Several of our OMS Ecuador team joined them to help with translation and other needs. Unfortunately, they were only able to have the clinic for one day, as they had to change their plans due to an unforeseen suspension of the medical clinic. Thankfully, the team was able to find other opportunities to serve through some of the other ministries OMS has in Ecuador.
They only had the clinic for on day in Yacuambi, but they were able to see over 80 patients. Some of our national partners were there to talk to the people, counsel them, and share the Gospel.
This is the area of the hostel where they had the clinic - curtains were later put up for privacy.
Coffee Plantation- Pallatanga
Our fellow OMS missionaries that live in Pallatanga have gotten to know the owner of a nearby coffee plantation. He was kind enough to take us on a tour of the property. He's coming up on only his 3rd harvest, and the 2nd harvest won the prize for best coffee in Ecuador! We asked him to what does he attribute his success, and very confidently he says "God".
Coffee plantation owner. |
Culto Unido
We had a great Sunday service on May 6. Our church hosted 3 other churches from the association for a combined church service - "culto unido". This was also a fund-raiser for our church's building project.
Great to see so many people attend. |
Great food after the service. |
We made cookies to sell. |
This is where the tent used to be. The new church building is under construction. |